When you get in a car accident there are a lot of things you have to worry about from a physical standpoint. One of the things you need to be aware of is that many times a person will not feel an injury until later on. This is one reason why many people don't end up going to the hospital to be checked out right away. Something else many people don't think about is the risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a serious accident. The signs of PTSD can also take a while to fully manifest. You can learn about some of the symptoms you should be watching for with regard to PTSD and other helpful information about this condition.
Flashbacks and nightmares
A couple of the major symptoms that a person can experience when PTSD is present are flashbacks and nightmares about the accident. Sometimes the flashbacks can interrupt your thoughts for no reason at all. Other times, they may happen because something you see, smell, or hear will trigger them.
It is normal for a person to start suffering with anxiety as PTSD starts to show itself. In some cases you may have anxiety attacks that are brought on for no reason or due to triggers. You want to understand that you can develop triggers that have nothing to do with the accident. More triggers can appear in the future when you have PTSD. Some people with severe PTSD are in a constant state of anxiety.
Exaggerated startle reflex
Another common symptom with PTSD is an exaggerated startle reflex -- this is when you are extremely jumpy about things that wouldn't normally make you jump. For example, if someone shuts a cupboard a little loud in the kitchen, you may jump and gasp when normally this sound wouldn't have affected you at all.
When you have been in an automobile accident, it is always a good idea for you to consult an auto accident attorney. However, if you didn't consult an attorney and you are now noticing the signs of PTSD possibly appearing, then you are going to want to see a medical professional and an automobile accident attorney right away. The medical professional is going to be able to refer you to the right provider for you to see about possible PTSD symptoms, and the lawyer is going to be able to help you through what may be a lawsuit.